Yes, it's official...with the recent purchase of my amazingly GROWN AND SEXY iPhone I am now a boneified APPLE WHORE. Some would call it an addiction, but then again who's absolutely in love with their addiction? Naw, I'm a big ol' Apple HO :)
I don't know about y'all, but I can't get over how cute, flashy, and functional this little piece of love is! Of course my Apple cherry was popped some time ago (thanks Darian and MacBook!), but acquiring this iPhone feels like my first technological orgasm (lol the iPhone hit my T-spot!). I know it sounds extreme, but this device is BAD!
Does anybody want to share in my whoredom? Calling all fellow Apple whores...lend me your knowledge! Does any know of any must have apps to download? Special iPhone tricks? Let a brotha know!
Urban Spoon is must Have!!! whenever your hungry just shake your phone and your problem will be solved LOL
I have a co-worker who just got a new one at the end of last week and he is just geeked about it as you!!! I am starting to think that there is something to this iPhone!!!
When Verizon starts supporting them, then and ONLY then will I convert!!!
LOL - hilarious. I'm still stuck on my bbery though.
If it wasn't for my obsession with Blackberry Messenger, I would convert to Appleland. But I am definitely thinking of throwing this HP out the window and getting a MacBook...I may have a little apple whore in me too ;-)
I'm home....
-- Gil.
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